Sunday, March 02, 2025

1003. Heirs Identified by Faith, Not Doers Seeking Recompense

Hollow religion tends to focus more on our actions—good or bad—instead of the work of Jesus and the blood He shed. Even the most passionate of grace people may end up sliding down a slippery slope of diet legalism if they take their eyes off of the prize ... while contradicting themselves about the gospel and the New Covenant, established and guaranteed by God. It often occurs through a misinterpretation of a few Bible verses ... combined with not understanding their identity as a child gifted with an inheritance. You are not defined by whatever label someone else wants to put on you, especially as it relates to good or bad actions.

Under the Old Covenant, Jews pursued a specific ministry of works through a holy and righteous law, thinking it would help them to lay hold of an elusive righteousness they could never attain. It was a very specific bundle, spelled out in writing through a package of 613 commands. All they needed was to do it. But all fell short and it left them in a place of sin consciousness—wondering what else they needed to do to inherit the kingdom.

In our religious culture today, the church corporation may neglect specifics when it comes to works and deeds which they think are the deciding factor as it relates to faith being dead or alive. That is where the law-minded person will come from. Neglecting to supply a precise list of do's and don'ts is a big piece to leave out of the puzzle. Fortunately, the gospel is far better than this.

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Sunday, February 23, 2025

1002. Are Good Works the Evidence of Faith?

Maybe you've seen it in church buildings where it is declared one is saved by grace through faith, not by works ... and then comes the "but." It's what we call the dreaded and confusing Grace-But Ministries. One of the "buts" is that the faith that saves requires good works as proof or evidence that faith is alive and not dead. They will tout that without this outward evidence of works that are designed to be seen by others, then faith is dead (and maybe they were never really saved in the first place ... in spite of their belief and profession of faith in Jesus Christ).

Even the most passionate grace folks can also slip down a legalistic slope without realizing it. As is usually the case, it can be traced back to misunderstanding a few scattered Bible verses without the revelation of a New Covenant context. Watch out when it's grace one minute and "but" the next.

Let's talk about it…

Are works a requirement for faith to come to life or to remain alive? If so, you'll have something to boast about while God owes you a debt for something you've done.

In legalistic camps—and sometimes grace circles—specifics are almost always omitted, leaving you to guess which works are needed and how much.

Works and fruit are often mistaken for the same thing.

Jesus cautioned against performance for the purpose of being seen by others.

Faith is the evidence of what is not seen (that which is eternal). It's more than a mouthful, which is why two mouths are better than one!

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Sunday, February 16, 2025

1001. Celebrity Status in Heaven?

Although we may not fully understand the specifics of what is ahead of us when it comes to heaven and eternity in general, sometimes it's interesting to wonder out loud and talk about it. However, at times, we might discuss such things almost in the form of a fairy tale, myth, or fable. It's understandable because we're living in our current reality of what we know while trying to imagine something we're unfamiliar with ... something that may be more real than the world in which we now live. (What is physically seen was created from that which is not seen).

In our current state, it's not unusual to see a type of "celebrity status" being given to the people we read about in the Bible. In some religious circles, it may even be an unhealthy, worship-like obsession. Of course, it's natural for us in the here-and-now to wish we could have a conversation with some of these people. After all, we have a lot of questions and much curiosity about things that may be difficult for us to understand. So we might begin to think we'll look forward to the day when we can ask some of those same questions to individuals we now consider spiritually famous.

Let's dive into this swimming pool with no water ?? and speculate as to whether this is likely to occur and if it will even be a desire once we arrive at our destination.

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Sunday, February 09, 2025

1000. 20 Years Later and 1000 Podcasts of Growing in Grace

When we started back in the year 2005, it wasn't exactly the long-term plan to have our 20th anniversary land on our 1000th podcast. In fact, when someone invited us to participate in a new launch of an "Internet Radio" channel, we had no idea if we would do a few programs or if it would go a while longer. But here we are. We just couldn't stop yapping about the good news of grace that has been vastly overlooked in so many popular corners of corporate Christianity and the religious educational institutions who have influenced them.

We hope you'll take a listen as we reflect on the unlikely partnership between two regular guys whose paths crossed in a radio station studio in 1994 and grew into a what would become a seemingly supernatural like-mindedness when it comes to the gospel of grace ... while attracting many thousands of listeners from around the world who have desired to hear such a message of love, assurance, forgiveness, and peace.

The takeaway from this week's program will hopefully bring confidence that God is orchestrating so many things through you—things that you may come to realize at times ... but often will never know in this life. Trust Him to live through you in both the biggest and smallest of ways that will have a significant impact on many you will never meet.

Thank you for your encouragement through the years and for sharing the podcast with someone you know. Your "word of mouth" has resulted in bringing something very special to many hurting people.

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Sunday, February 02, 2025

999. Knowing "About" Him Vs. Knowing Him (and the Power of His Resurrection)

The Apostle Paul could have competed with anyone in the boasting department when considering his background as a Jewish person who was born under the law. He was dedicated to it—even to the point of persecuting and executing Jews who believed in Jesus.

But he counted it all as loss and rubbish after gaining Christ, not having his own righteousness through dead works but attaining God's righteousness by faith in Christ. Again—faith ... not works. This led him to a special place and heartfelt desire to know Jesus Christ and the power of His resurrection.

What does this look like? How can it happen for us? Is the focus based on proper Bible teaching and interpretation? Sound doctrine? Depending on the correct belief system which may change and evolve? Our program this week is meant to bring a reminder and encouragement that God lives in us and His Holy Spirit is very real. Sadly, He is sometimes forgotten to a degree and even considered a thing of the past—even by those who consider themselves ministers of the gospel ... which is not contained within pages containing words and letters ... but is found within a Person who is very much alive.

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Sunday, January 26, 2025

998. Paul's Impressive "Boasting" Resume (But He Trashed It)

Paul told the Philippians that if anyone had reason to have confidence in the flesh based on commitment and dedication through various experiences and working diligently ... it would be him. But in spite of Paul's ability to boast—if he had chosen to do so—he counted it all as rubbish so that he may gain Christ. To gain Christ would be to attain righteousness ... not through the law or by his works ... but by faith in Jesus Christ so that he could know Him and the power of His resurrection. Nothing else mattered.

And yet there were Jewish brethren who would eventually try to convince Paul to go back to the zealousness he once had for the law prior to his conversion ... and to proclaim a testimony publicly in front of other believing Jews that his rumored teachings were untrue and that he also was one who seeks to observe and keep the law of Moses.

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Sunday, January 19, 2025

997. Party Time and You're Invited

Anyone can read the pages of the Bible repeatedly and still miss many themes and chunks of valuable information. One of these subjects which is found threaded throughout, especially in the New Testament, is the matter of two groups of people—those who are Jewish and those who are not ... referred to as Gentiles. Although Jesus came to minister primarily to Jews under the Mosaic law during His time on earth, He would drop some hints that salvation would not be limited to the people of Israel. Of course, the book of Acts and epistles that followed revealed even more about this within the message of the gospel.

One example is the parable known as the prodigal or the prodigal son. Just who was this guy? He was left for dead and came seeking life without needing to lift a finger to do anything to earn it ... even though he felt obligated to do so. And then there is the older brother who worked so faithfully and diligently, declaring he never neglected a command while refusing the Father's invitation to a celebration. How offensive that the younger brother be treated as an equal!

In the previous chapters leading up to this parable, Jesus alluded to some things about Jews rejecting the Messiah, turning down an invitation to an eternal fellowship with free food, and then ordering that the unwanted and ignored from the city be invited. But that wasn't all ... the invitation would also extend to those far off, beyond the highways and the hedges. The hedges? The prodigal was described as being far off. All of this is carefully planted evidence, providing us with exciting answers from Ephesians chapter 2 ... and it's worth celebrating.

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